Friday, July 24, 2009


CESA 92 ends up 3rd with win today. The 2 teams that beat us advance to the finals, dallas texans and NY team. We were down 2-0 at half and came back to win 3-2. GSA had a chance to advance but needed to win. It is great for the boys to get this win in a spectacular fashion. We play GSA again in our first premier league game in 2 weeks. Alex foot seems better after elevation and ice. We just bought tickets to the Inter and AC milan game her in boston on Sunday. Tomorrow we move to downtown and will see some history. I will add some pictures later so check back.

Final Day

We play GSA today. We beat them 4-2 in the premier league and they have 2 ties so far here at nationals. Our game was moved to 5:30 today because of field conditions. A lot of rain last night so all games are being played on turf fields. None of our matches were scheduled on turf so will now play later. Cold and cloudy today. No pictures from yesterdays match as I had a little camera malfunction. You may look for those fabulous photos later today after the game. Discovery had a big win yesterday and should have just finished playing today.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Completion of Day 1

Not the start we were looking for but tomorrow is a new day. Fortunately everyone else tied so this gives us a chance. Will need to play well without our leading scorer. Play Dallas Texans at 7:30 tomorrow AM. Check out the photos from the game today.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Photos From National Luncheon

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Day 1 Boston

Pouring rain and cool this AM. Looks like everyone made it. Boys cannot wait to play and are anxious to get going. Today is the player luncheon 11:30-1:30 at DCU Center across the street from our hotel. Boys will all be wearing a coat and tie so will definitely get some photos of this. Practice follows at 4:00 pm at Progin Park which is about 25 minutes away.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Travel Monday

On our way to Boston with great anticipation. Half of the team is on the same flight as well as some of the U15 South Charlotte team. The boys seem very relaxed and enjoying the time. This is a great experience for them and one that they will remember for ever. I will give periodic updates and also include photos from the games. During the matches I will update any significant plays or changes. Please feel free to comment